For Health Professionals
The following Links will take you to the official Billings LIFE site, where you will have access to the following information.
The Science Behind the Billings Ovulation Method™
The importance of the mucus as nature’s signal of fertility has been recognised since the nineteenth century. Scientific research over the past 50+ years has gradually unfolded its vital role in assisting new life to begin.
Pituitary and Ovarian Hormones
J.B. Brown D.Sc. Ph.D.
Ovulation - the release of an ovum by the ovary - is the most important event of the fertile cycle; it occurs only once at a moment in time during the cycle, even when more than one ovum is released.
The Cervix
"The cervix is a precision organ as complex as the eye."
The cervix lies between the vagina and the isthmus which leads to the body of the uterus. It is 25mm long and contains several hundred crypts (glands) lined by cells which, under hormonal and neural influence, manufacture mucus, which is released into the cervical canal.
Natural Fertility Regulation - the Billings Ovulation Method™
Published in Australian Doctor this article includes a section on How to Treat and a Quiz for doctors.
Thanks for the Family
From the Herald Sun this article tells the story of one couple's experience of The Billings Ovulation Method™.
Successful Sex Pre-Selection
Published in the African Journal of Reproductive Health,the objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that gender can be preselected by timing coitus in relation to ovulation, the marker of ovulation being the Peak symptom according to the Billings Method.
Types of Ovarian Activity in Women
Published in Human Reproduction this is a reinterpretation of earlier findings by Professor Emeritus James Boyer Brown.