Prevent Pregnancy
There are just four simple rules of the Billings Ovulation Method™ to prevent pregnancy which you can apply in all circumstances and at all stages of your reproductive life:
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The Billings Ovulation Method™ is as effective as the oral contraceptive pill for preventing pregnancy and is more effective than IUDs, Condoms and diaphragms.
(John Murtagh, General Practice 5th ed, McGraw-Hill,2011).
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Prevent Pregnancy Information
10 Reasons to Use the Billings Ovulation Method™ to Prevent Pregnancy
Fertility control should be reliable, harmless, immediately reversible, and inexpensive. It shouldn't detract from the pleasure of sex, and it should encourage a good emotional and sexual relationship between partners. Many women find the various methods of contraception available today to be unsatisfactory or unacceptable because they fail to tick one or more of these boxes. Find out how the Billings Ovulation Method™ ticks your boxes!
4 Simple Rules to Prevent Pregnancy
There are just four simple rules of the Billings Ovulation Method™ to prevent pregnancy which you can apply in all circumstances and at all stages of your reproductive life
Keeping a Record
The most effective way of learning to recognise your individual pattern of fertility and infertility according to the mucus signals is to record your observations each day in a chart. The aim is to identify on any day whether sex could or could not result in pregnancy.
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Irregular Cycles? Stressed?
You can have irregular cycles when you're stressed or ill, when you're breastfeeding, when you've stopped taking hormonal contraception, or when you're approaching menopause. Sometimes there is an underlying hormonal disorder or other problem that needs medical investigation.
One of the benefits of the Billings Ovulation Method™ is that your chart doesn't need to be the same month after month. You just take one day at a time, deciding each day if what you've charted indicates infertility or possible fertility. Then you apply the guidelines, depending on whether you want to achieve or avoid pregnancy. -
Stopped taking hormonal contraception
If you've stopped hormonal contraception you may not show signs of fertility for some weeks or months until your own hormones return to normal function. You may have regular bleeds but not observe the normal mucus changes indicating fertility. You may have long, irregular cycles with patches of mucus, but no recognisable Peak. These are signs that you haven't yet started ovulating again, or that your cervix hasn't recovered from the effect of the contraceptive and isn’t yet producing mucus which will support sperm. Your Billings Ovulation Method™ tutor will help you work out what is happening. If you've stopped contraception but still want to avoid pregnancy, it's simply a matter of charting accurately and correctly applying the Rules of the Billings Ovulation Method™.
Approaching menopause?
From about the age of fifty most women are infertile. The change from fertility to infertility is usually gradual, occurring over a number of years. During this time menstrual cycles often become extremely variable in length and mucus episodes less frequent.